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A basic motive for writing the book CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION AND TH E PERSONALIZATION OF DEMOCRACY (2021) was that contemporary society needs young adults who learn to personalize democracy, that is, to make citizenship an integral part of their everyday lives.

  • The 12th International Conference on the Dialogical Self will take place, 4-7 June, 2024, at Tallinn University, Estonia. Welcome!!

  • The Radboud University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands, has officially decided to establish a professorial chair titled “Foundations of Dialogical Self Theory (DST).” It is a so-called “special chair” for one day a week. The chair is located in the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology, and Religious Studies of Radboud University (2020). The purpose of this chair is to stimulate research guided by the Theory and to teach its philosophical foundations and implications. The initiative to propose the chair to the Radboud University was taken by the International Society for Dialogical Science as a legal entity under Dutch law.

  • Hubert was elected as foreign member of the ROYAL FLEMISH ACADEMY OF BELGIUM FOR SCIENCE AND THE ARTS, 16 December 2017.

  • Keynote Hubert Hermans DIALOGICAL SELF IN COACHING AND SUPERVISION for the Anse Conference on Supervision and Coaching, 23 August, 2017, in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. This presentation can be sent on request.

  • Keynote Hubert Hermans FIELDS OF TENSION IN A BOUNDARY-CROSSING WORLD: TOWARDS  A DEMOCRATIC SELF for the Jean Monnet Network, 8 June 2017, in Bruge, Belgium. This presentation can be sent on request.

  • The 10th International Conference on the Dialogical Self took place, 13-16 June, 2018, in Braga, Portugal. Organizer was Miguel Goncalves, University of Minho, Portugal. THE NEXT CONFERENCE IS SCHEDULED 9-13 June, 2021 in Barcelona, organized by the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

  • The 9th International Conference on the Dialogical Self took place 7-10 September 2016 in Lublin, Poland. 

  • The 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE DIALOGICAL SELF took place 25-28 October 2012 at the University of Georgia, USA, followed by a post-conference workshop on the practical implications of the theory. For Hubert’s keynote, click HERE.

  • Hubert Hermans gave a keynote at the 19th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON PERSONAL CONSTRUCT PSYCHOLOGY, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 19-22, 2011. See YouTube for part 1 (intro by Jon Raskin), part 2part 3part 4part 5part 6part 7, and part 8. This congress was followed by a 1-day training on Dialogical Self Practice given by Hubert Hermans.

  • In May 2011 Hubert lectured in South-Africa: the University of Kwa Zulu Natal, the University of Fort Hare in Alice and the Rhodes University in Grahamstown. An interview and the central parts of the workshop he presented in Pietermaritzburg are published in the New Psychotherapist, July/August, 2012 under the title ‘The multi-self edition’.

  • He was keynote speaker at the ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR PERSONALITY PSYCHOLOGY in Shimane, Japan, October 6-7, 2012. In the same week he also lectured at Tokyo University and at the Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto. Agnieszka Konopka joined in giving workshops on the Composition Method, a new method based on Dialogical Self Theory.

  • Hubert gave a keynote at the International Conference of DEAFBLIND INTERNATIONAL a world association for promoting services for deafblind people. The conference was scheduled 24-28 August, 2013 in Lille, France. He also gave a presentation at the master seminar on deafblindness at the University of Groningen, Netherlands on 22 March, 2012.

  • He gave lectures and workshop to students and professionals of the Theatre Faculty of DAMU in Prague in the week 9-13 December 2012.

  • Hubert gave a keynote at the 33rd conference of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) in the beautiful 12th Century Rolduc Abbey and Conference Center in Kerkrade, The Netherlands, 24-29 June, 2016. LINK TO A RADIO INTERVIEW ABOUT THIS PRESENTATION.

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